A naturally formed rudraksha in which three individual rudraksha are natural joined by two bridge. According to the Hindu scripture it represents Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva together. That who worship or wear this great Rudraksha is bestowed with knowledge, power, wealth and health. Those who hold or worship it, is bestowed with Brahma Gyan. He enjoys superpower in the society. Wearing this rudraksha improves the power of mind and an understanding of consciousness. With these two, the wearer is reminded that he/she is truly are a limitless, boundless, being. After collection of various experiences from different people, following are the best effect from this rudraksha:
- Even after serious illness, wearing it will maintain the health of the person bringing it to normal condition lessening the dose of medicine.
- New impressive ideas and great communication skills thus improving the life standard of the person.
- Some of the business man who wears this rudraksha finds a divine tool whose energies are very effective in controlling markets with their product
Mantra: Om Namaha Shivaya