Rudraksha Three Mukhi

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Three mukhi Rudraksha represents the trinity form of gods Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh and hence the divine power of all the three gods have been collectively blended into it making it very sacred, powerful and the most sought-after possession. It also symbolizes god Agni. Like fire, the divine weapon of god Agni engulfs every powerful objects and beings, it engulfs past sins and helps in purifying a soul. With this opens up the door to wisdom for humans to acknowledge and worship the supremacy of his almighty.Three mukhi Rudraksha can be easily identified by its three natural lines. Prior to its use chant  mantra,

Om kham dvi vaktrasya Om shrem hreem kshouma uveerm Om.

After the completion of the ritual it should be worn around neck. Acting asa life rescuer three mukhi Rudraksha deactivatesthe destructive forces within a person and optimizes the creative aspects with the purification of soul. All the sins get washed away and possessor of three mukhi Rudraksha is blessed with a good destiny in the next birth. Ancient scripturesalso ravel about how it represents the form of goddess Saraswoti and therefore is regarded very auspicious for students in attaining academic excellence. Shiva Purana is a living proof of how three mukhi Rudraksha is contributing for the welfare of mankind.Wearer of three mukhi Rudraksha is honored as the incarnate of god Brahma himself.

With the passing of time, humans cannot help but succumb to the aging process and be victims of various life-threatening diseases. One can lead a healthy and active life despite the age factor on wearing three mukhi Rudraksha. As proven by various scientific researches, three mukhi Rudraksha is extremely effective medical remedy for curing diseases like depression, Sezophrenia, inferiority complexes, psychosis or guilt induced complexes, blood pressure, irregular menstrual cycle, dysmenorrhoea, mood swings, asthma, chronic fever, weakness, jaundice, mental disability, blood pressure, kidney problem, ulcer etc. On the spiritual frontier also, three mukhi Rudraksha helps in attaining spiritual enlightment. Different forms of psychological problems like depression, negative attitude, guilt consciousness, inferiority complexes, lack of confidence, fear, etc can also be curtailed. Regular use of three mukhi Rudraksha beads keep ill fate at bay. Material gain like wealth, luck, success and victory are showered upon its user. One can remain free from the fear of accidents and inauspicious happenings after possessing three mukhi Rudraksha. Its effect can be felt within the short periods of its use. It enhances determination, knowledge, confidence, concentration, personality, health, career prospect, luck, creativity and mental state.

Threemukhi Rudraksha is astrologically inclined to the influences of Mars. Arian, cancerian, leo, scorpion and piscean must wear three mukhi Rudraksha beads to curb negative astrological effects of their ruling planets. Henceforth, on wearing it one can be freed from the adverse effects of the Mars and attain numerous physical, mental and spiritual gain. On wearing this Rudraksha as jewellery or as other form can protect one from unpredictable circumstances and misfortunes.