The HOLY RUDRAKSHA BEADS have been worn by the people of Nepal, India and many other countries. Rudraksha has been identified to be seeds of ELAEOCARPACEAE FAMILY, classified into six genuses out of which ELAECORPUS GANITRUS ROXB, IS ONLY CALLED AND NAMED AS RUDRAKSHA TREE. Rudraksha trees are found mainly in Nepal since the Puranic era. Rudrakshas were traditionally and only produced in the eastern part of Nepal, although due to the transmigration of people, seeds from the Rudraksha tree were taken from Nepal and planted in other parts of the world in recent years.While many people have claimed on respective websites and books that Rudrakshas are produced in countries like India, (Assam), Indonesia and many other countries, it is not wholly accurate. The truth is: Today 99% rudraksha only produced in Nepal and only Nepali beads have the power to change the life of the wearer.
Beads produced from Nepal are called "Rudrakshas" Beads have clear lines (mukhi),with natural hole, round to oval shape and each mukhi have seed inside it. One can see the beads varies from one mukhi to twenty-nine mukhi. Size of the beads generally above 15mm size.
Beads produced in India called as "Bhadrakshas" Beads produced look like Nepali rudraksha but the surface is smooth with same design throughout the surface of beads .The beads doesn't have natural hole and human drilling is needed for this beads to put in mala or for wearing.
Beads produced in Indonesia are called "Indrakshas" which are very small beads with lines not very defined.The size is very very small. It doesn't have clear mukhis.There is just marking of lines without groove and deep depression. No natural hole and generally the lines are not visible by naked eye.
Rudraksha Plucking Videos
About Rudraksha :
Rudraksha beads is covered by an outer shell of blue color and when fully ripened, it is also called as blueberry beads which is very sweet in taste and can be used for varieties of treatments for diseases like indigestion, vomiting, cuts and injuries etc. After peeling the outer shell, we can see the actual Rudraksha beads with different faces. Beads of Rudraksha are thorny, rough and have variable macro surface feature. The surface is segmented into variable number of ridges that give rise to different mukhis. The natural Rudraksha are different in macrostructure from one bead to other. Rudraksha beads come in mainly light brown in color but as the age of Rudraksha increases, its changes its color from brown to black and also changes its color to black after it is worn for long time .
During collection Rudraksha Beads are directly picked from the trees and after removing its shell the exact faces or mukhi are verified and collected accordingly. Once we collect all varieties of mukhis of Rudraksha we start the process of cleaning. First the beads are cleansed with light brushing. The beads are then soaked overnight in mild detergent/soap and is washed the following day with the help of toothbrush so that the pulp and covering shell completely removed. Rudrakshas are then washed in blessed water, dried under sun light and mustard oil is applied to restore beads and to protect the beads from insects etc. Rudrakshas produced in Nepal have a natural hole in its center. These beads are also unique in that there are different mukhis – or faces – on each bead.The outer surface of each bead has clear lines and the surface is naturally segmented through obvious groves which dissect the Rudraksha into “segments or faces”, giving it an appearance similar to a human brain. A human brain has white and gray matter segmented by grooves, similar to the outer physical structure of Rudrakshas.We collect 70 to 80 % of actual total production. Due to our relationship and wide reach to our villagers, we took only selected, top quality beads to provide to our customers. Rudraksha Nepal is proud of its collection of Rudraksha beads from its place of origin. After collection and cleaning, we store huge quantities of Rudraksha for supply throughout the whole year. Rudraksha are again selected personally before shipment to any customer according to their needs.
Sample Photo of Rudraksha Nepal's at Havesting Rudraksha Forest :-